Wheee, after a long long work related break... I'm back with more Perly goodness..
One thing that I never seem to realize is exactly how much Perl can grow on a person.. being a self confessed language junkie (well, at least for this part of the planet), I use at least 2-3 different things at work (Java and C, mostly), tinker around with Python and PHP when I have the time, have recently attempted Ruby.. lots of things.. but I *like* Perl..
Take this weekend.. a huge bunch (a few thousand) of smallish zip files to mass-download, some of them were supposed to be corrupted.. what does one do ? download the Winzip command line addon or use PKZip ? nope..
Fire up Archive::Zip, check contents of the file, and sort (depending on what kind of document was in the archive).. all in under 10 lines of Perl code, and in less than 15 minutes... and of course, inevitably, spend the next 3 hours strutting around cornering everyone and insisting on showing them this magical script :o)
Life is good..