burn out ?

tinman on 2004-08-25T14:17:19

It's strange. For the past few weeks, I've been curiously incapable of concentrating for more than a few minutes on code. I am in thesis writing mode, which for me is different from coding mode (if that even made sense to you).

Been trying to muster up the energy to do some coding on the side and it's just not working out. Maybe it's the bad hayfever that has been dogging me since the start of summer. I don't know. Becoming mildly alarmed. Maybe it's just sloth. That, I can both understand and identify with... entertaining all theories, no matter how whacky or wild they are.. Maybe I need to do something that seems new to me, like learn O'Caml as I've been promising myself for the past few years.

Context switching sucks

bluto on 2004-08-26T15:12:32

I've gotten sucked into more admin type work recently, which tends to be too interrupt driven for me, and find that when I want to resume coding it takes a while to get back into the right frame of mind -- hours, days sometimes. I've been coding for about 30 years so perhaps I'm just getting old. Sometimes stepping back and doing other things helps, but most of the time I just need to grit my teeth and force my self into concentrating on coding, which tends to be excruciating.