
tinman on 2004-04-11T20:43:02

Part of my work involves representation and access issues for non European languages, and that's what I've been upto the past few days.

I am honestly having doubts about how Unicode can ever handle all the varied scripts and character requirements that are thrown at it and still remain manageable. It's bizarre. My supervisor is from Nepal and he took me through some sites done in Nepalese languages (of which there are 90 odd, incredibly). Everyone seems to have abandoned any pretense at making things Unicode compatible and instead offer their own custom truetype font for download; which renders the pages.

What's the point of having Unicode anyway, then ? *grumble* Some other Asian languages have it even worse, they don't even have a proper Unicode font which implements the glyphs. I foresee lots of transliteration in the near future for me. Time to brush up on bit twiddling in Java and Perl, I guess.


TorgoX on 2004-04-12T08:09:48

Someone just has to do the font rendering engines. Indic languages really aren't that hard -- but apparently it's a major hassle to get OSs and applications to actually use the rendering libraries/algorithms/whatever.