University runs Slack 9 by default. My supervisor wants me to install the newly released Mandrake 9.2. I know the RedHat series quite well, but unfortunately, dont see much point moving to it now that the Fedora madness has taken over. There is also the everpopular Debian and I am quite frankly curious to try out Gentoo (never been in a place that had the bandwidth to handle it before).
Sometimes, too much choice is a bad thing too. *grin*.. Mandrake will probably win out though.
Mmmm gentoo
Lunchy on 2003-11-15T07:30:41
I was never a serious linux user till gentoo got hold of me. I used to play with redhat and mandrake, but some friends on IRC were touting gentoo as the best thing since sliced bread. I installed it a few months ago, and since then I've gone all linux at home and keep my XP machine booted to gentoo running as my mythtv server.
:) So here's one vote for gentoo! But, I do also hear good things about debian, I wouldn't mind giving it a try someday. Being able to update your system with one command line command is just plain awesome, which I believe you can do in both distros.