Barely an hour before I wrote this, the Tampa Bay Bucs steamrollered the Raiders, 48-21.. Talk about proving the "analysts" wrong.. Do I have permission to send hate-mail to John Gruden now ? :) (no, not really, but I give the man credit for the win)
Wondering if I am turning into an over enthused gamer junkie. Spent about 12 hours over 2 days at a cybercafe close to home (mostly Counterstrike and WC3).. should I even worry ? ;) I know people who do a lot more hours
Got work. I'm supposed to figure out how to secure an Oracle database from its users, who are liable to do anything from delete records they shouldnt to whack tables (there is NO security at all in the existing schema).. I look forward to howls of protest when I put the idea into practice *heh heh* BOFH, look out ! :D
Slow reading through Crossroads continues.. upto chapter 9 so far, had a busy weekend.. Also got a neat book by Dale Carnegie (how to stop worrying and start living or something like that)