Yep, another refugee from Internet Explorer has finally found THE browser :D
Didnt really think that Phoenix was completely ready to supplant IE (seemed to take a bit more memory, seemed a bit slower to render pages etc etc), but having downloaded 0.5, it works like a charm..Several hours of tweaks later, I have radial context menus, advanced preferences and advanced tab browsing.. some sites seem to render their fonts weirdly, yes, even use.perl at first... a few adjustments to preferences, a change of the proxy URL to my local Privoxy, and I am all set.. whee..
This week is weird, for working. Wednesday was a holiday, and Friday will be one as well. Not really wanting to blow my annual leave in January, I actually showed up for work today; unfortunately, this was after playing Warcraft until about 0300 or so the night before..with fairly predictable productivity this morning..
Experimenting with the Activestate plugin for .NET these days.. not really sure if I want to have Perl produce MSIL bytecode, really.. but it seemed a nice thing to try out :D
Finished reading The rise and fall of the Luftwaffe yesterday... coincides nicely with my getting a copy of Battlefield 1942 ;)
Oh, and a friend pointed me to some interesting research topics at the university of Kent..*sigh* I suppose I cant put off applying any longer..