DBD::Sybase on solaris 10

thinc on 2006-08-17T00:04:45

Here we go again. This time I need DBD::Sybase on solaris 10 x86.

First thing you need is the sybase SDK for solaris 10 x86. I think you have to pay for that (the database group took care of that for me, so I have no idea.)

It gets installed to /opt/sybase

Then to compile DBD::Sybase against it, you do this:

1. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sfw/bin/ 2. export SYBASE=/opt/sybase/ 3. export SYBASE_OCS=OCS-12_5 4. /usr/perl5/bin/perlgcc Makefile.PL 5. gmake 6. gmake test 7. sudo gmake install

1 - you need gmake in your path 2,3 - the Makefile.PL looks for the libs you are compiling against in $SYBASE/SYBASE_OCS/lib 4 - use the perlgcc for solaris magic 5,6,7 - the standard perl module installation, but with gnu make.

also in your apache configuration (if you're going to be using DBD::Sybase with apache, you need: SetEnv SYBASE /opt/sybase/