DBD::Sybase on Debian sarge

thinc on 2006-04-12T20:49:30

So I needed to get DBD::Sybase installed today. Here's my notes:

download: --------- $ wget http://download.sybase.com/pub/ase1192_linux/sybase-openclient-11.1.1-3.i386.rpm $ wget http://download.sybase.com/pub/ase1192_linux/sybase-common-11.9.2-3.i386.rpm $ wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/M/ME/MEWP/DBD-Sybase-1.07.tar.gz

install: -------- # apt-get install alien

$ alien --to-deb sybase-openclient-11.1.1-3.i386.rpm $ alien --to-deb sybase-common-11.9.2-3.i386.rpm # dpkg -i sybase-openclient_11.1.1-4_i386.deb # dpkg -i sybase-common_11.9.2-4_i386.deb

make a standard location ------------------------ # ln -s /opt/sybase-11.9.2 /opt/sybase

fix the locales see http://www.peppler.org/FAQ/linux.html#q1.14 ----------------------------------------------- emacs /opt/sybase/locales/locales.dat

find the string [linux] and add this directly below:

locale = en_US, us_english, iso_1

add to ~/.bashrc: ----------------- export SYBASE=/opt/sybase/ export PATH=$PATH:$SYBASE/bin

$ source ~/.bashrc

install the perl module: ------------------------ $ tar xvfz DBD-Sybase-1.07.tar.gz $ cd DBD-Sybase-1.07 $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ sudo make install