So a couple of years ago I started using postgresql, and really wanted a feature that I had used in MS-SQL, which is stored procedures that returned recordsets.
So I searched and searched trying to find out how to do it.
Turns out it was a new feature in 7.4 (or mabye 7.3) but nobody knew how to do it. So I kept searcing and finally found a newsgroup post by Tom Lane (I think) that halfway described it. This news post, combined with knowledge gained from my previous searches and investigations yeilded the solution I was after.
So, since I haven't seen it anywhere else (and it's not doing me any good not sharing it), here is the full text for a function (aka stored procedure) that returns a recordset.
DROP TYPE get_contacts_return CASCADE;
CREATE TYPE get_contacts_return AS ( "first_name" varchar(50) , "middle_name" varchar(50) , "last_name" varchar(50) , "nickname" varchar(50) , "contact_id" bigint , "title" varchar(20) , "address_city" varchar(20) );
CREATE FUNCTION get_contacts( integer --contact_type_id ) RETURNS SETOF get_contacts_return AS ' DECLARE
in_contact_type_id ALIAS FOR $1;
rec get_contacts_return%rowtype;
BEGIN --===================================================-- --error checking ------------------------------------------------------- IF( in_contact_type_id IS NULL ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION ''Invalid contact_type_id: % '' , in_contact_type_id; END IF;
--===================================================-- --query -------------------------------------------------------
FOR rec IN SELECT DISTINCT ON ( contact.first_name , ) contact.first_name AS first_name , contact.middle_name AS middle_name , contact.last_name AS last_name , contact.nickname AS nickname , AS contact_id , contact.title AS title , AS address_city FROM contact JOIN address ON = address.fk_contact_id WHERE contact.display = true AND contact.contact_type_id = in_contact_type_id ORDER BY contact.first_name , LOOP RETURN NEXT rec; END LOOP;
RETURN null;
' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
SELECT "first_name" , "middle_name" , "last_name" , "nickname" , "contact_id" , "title" , "address_city" FROM get_contacts( "contact_type_id" );
Someone on IRC pointed out to me that there's a TechDocs article, Set Returning Functions that seems to cover the issue pretty well.