Impressive uptime(1)

tagg on 2003-10-09T11:03:04

I once set up a FreeBSD host as an internal CVS server at a former workplace. Recently, one of my former collegues sent me this: bash-2.03$ uptime 3:55PM up 1290 days, 9:41, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Obviously, it is running a *very* old version of the kernel (and userland), so it's probably a push-over for any wanabee script-kiddie that wanders by, but still, I'm pretty impressed.

Hooray for UPS...

RE: uptime

kjones4 on 2003-10-09T15:54:40

That is awesome! Years ago I setup a FreeBSD box as a dynamic dial-up server for my former employer. I was surprised when I was called two years later to do some work and found that the box hadn't been rebooted in all that time and they were *still* using the box for Internet access. Luckily it didn't appear to be rooted, probably because all it did was NAT.

RE: uptime

echo on 2003-10-10T13:26:34

Indeed very awesome. The best I've got here is:
% uptime 3:25PM up 759 days, 1:46, 1 user, load averages: 0.18, 0.09, 0.02
but now your post is filling me with hope!

RE: uptime

warming on 2004-08-12T09:37:56

I just noticed. The box tagg is talking about is passing the 1600 days mark tonight.

Still going strong!

tagg on 2004-08-13T14:24:21

highlander ~#uptime
  3:38PM up 1600 days, 8:48, 1 user, load averages: 0.26, 0.21, 0.08