
sung on 2001-04-26T13:57:29

mornings suck. so does reading h323 documentation. when i read this shit, i wonder, "who the fuck was crazy enough to come up with THAT??"

and the openh323 libs. hah. it's just amazing. when i'm done with this project, i'm going to start on a wrapper to make openh323 a lot fucking easier to work with.

well, i'm going to go download the ithread thing. it must be elite, based on why sky is telling #perl .

i also had frech vanilla for the first time in my life. it tastes goooood.

my hotel stay last night was quite good, too. i had fried calamari and some fettucene ( i think i spelled that wrong ) stuff.

the fried calamari was shit. the fettucine ( i'm just having fun with spelling. yay! ) was all right.

off to work.