Must have (recent) Perl books?

stu42j on 2007-08-27T23:31:40

Tuesday night dfw-pm is having a technical meeting hosted at NerdBooks in Richardson. I am planning to take advantage of the opportunity to pick up a copy of Perl Testing. I have also been trying to decide if I need a copy of PBP. I currently have the misfortune of working on a SOAP project which I am having trouble wrapping my brain around so perhaps I should go ahead and get Programming Web Services with Perl (does it have much that is not free online?).

Any other recommendations for must-have Perl books, particularly those recently published? I already have Perl Hacks. Shameless plugs and non-Perl books also allowed.

Mastering Perl came out this summer

brian_d_foy on 2007-08-28T09:24:56

Mastering Perl is a pretty recent book. :)

Re:Mastering Perl came out this summer

speters on 2007-08-28T15:44:18

Plug away! Plug away! ;-)