Vox.com - Security?

stu42j on 2007-04-13T18:25:18

I just signed up on Vox.com to use for a personal blog. I picked Vox because my impression was that it is MySpace done right. Six Apart+Danga have been around for a while, they know what they are doing. Plus they like Perl (and some Perl folks seem to like them).

So, after I sign up, I get a welcome email with my password, the one that I entered (not a random system generated thing), right there in the plain text of the email. WTF?

Ok, so it is just a blog, not a bank or something but sheesh! Mailman does the same thing but at least it warns you about it.

Am I overreacting or should I look elsewhere for my personal blogging needs?

Update: I also used tried the "forgot password" function and it again emailed my password in plain text. This means that they are either storing the passwords with two-way encryption (unlikely) or simply plain text. This is bad on top of bad. Storing passwords as a salted hash is not hard and pretty much standard best-practice security!


sigzero on 2007-04-13T21:10:01

Ask them why that is and if you don't like the answer...bail.

Along the same vein...

sigzero on 2007-04-13T21:11:37

I signed up for a company so I could get job listings for that particular company. I typed in my desired password and it refreshed the page and right there for the world to see was my plain text password.