A little over a year ago, during YAPC::NA in Chicago (thanks Josh and company!) , I created an account here as a place to put down my notes and any other Perl bits I needed to remember. Like other YAPCs I'd attended, there was so much to absorb and to try at home and $work that I wanted to get it all down someplace.
Well, a year has passed, YAPC::NA 2007 is over and I'm finally getting around to posting. I couldn't make it to Houston this year so the irony here is that I don't have anything to write. :-)
An e-mail to brian d foy about The Perl Review triggered something in my memory that I had created this account but hadn't done anything. BTW, if you aren't a subscriber, I highly, highly recommend it.
Actually I do have something to write. Instead of the usual "who I am" type first posts (that'll be in another post), I'd like to thank you, the Perl community. You've given me a great tool, great resources (i.e. CPAN, YAPCs, etc...) and a lot of fun programming. Most of my coding is in Perl and I can't tell you how many times it really has made the easy things easy and the hard things possible. So in no particular order, my thanks to...
I apologize because this list is far from complete. Its a little odd thanking people whom, for the most part, I haven't met before or perhaps only in passing at a YAPC::NA. But I've been wanting to say "Thanks" for sometime and don't know where/when I'll have a chance to do it in person.
Hopefully, it won't be another year before I put anything here. :-)