
statico on 2005-05-02T15:17:24

Today I wanted an HTML page of links with all the articles I had collected for my project this weekend. All of the resources are stored in a BibTeX database, so each has a URL and title field. Unfortunately, I couldn't get Text::BibTeX to install so I decided to write a parser using Parse::RecDescent as a fun exercise.

The resulting tool, bibtex2html, can't handle comments, plus I didn't even look at the btparse source code for what the real grammar is. Maybe I can do this over the correct way and create Text::BibTeX::PurePerl.


use strict; use warnings;

use Parse::RecDescent; use Template;

my $grammar = <<'ENDGRAMMAR';

entries : Entry(s) /\Z/ { $item[1] }

Entry : '@' Key '{' Key ',' Tuple(s) '}' { { category => lc $item[2], key => lc $item[4], map { @$_ } @{ $item[6] } } }

Tuple : Key '=' Value /,?/ { for ( $item[3] ) { s/\n/ /gs; s/\s{3,}/ /gs; } [ lc $item[1], $item[3] ]; }

Value : Key | String

Key : /[\w-]+/

String : /".+?(?

my $entries = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar)->entries( do { local $/; <> } ) or die "Couldn't parse input\n";

my $tt = Template->new; $tt->process( \*DATA, { entries => $entries } ) or die "Couldn't process template: " . $tt->error;

__DATA__ BibTeX Entries
[% FOREACH entry IN entries %]
[% entry.title | html %]
[% | html %]
[% entry.note | html %]
[% END %]