Error, i woe thee

statico on 2005-04-01T04:39:00

This bit us. This bit us hard and I blame myself for not catching it. Looking at it after a good night's sleep sets off tons of loud, Star Trek-esque "red alert" klaxons. Why it's bad is left as an exercise for the reader.

# contract: Player, index -> Turn
# let the player take its turn and do validation/contract checking/timeouts
sub give_turn_to_player {
    my ($self, $player, $index) = @_;

my $turn = Game::Turn->new({ index => $index, player => $player, admin => $self, });

try { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { throw Game::Exception::PlayerTimeout( 'Player timed out after '.PLAYER_TIMEOUT.' seconds' ); }; alarm PLAYER_TIMEOUT;

$player->is_taking_turn(1); $player->take_turn($turn); $player->is_taking_turn(0); }

catch Game::Exception::ContractViolation with { $self->kick_out_player($player, "You have violated a contract: ".shift); return; }

catch Game::Exception::PlayerTimeout with { $self->kick_out_player($player, "You have timed out after ".PLAYER_TIMEOUT." seconds."); return; }

otherwise { die "asking the player to take a turn failed: ".shift; }

finally { alarm 0; };

unless ($turn->chosen_tile) { $self->kick_out_player($player, "You have attempted to place an undefined tile."); return; }

return $turn; }

(Still not sure? Here's a hint [PDF]. I swear I remember Matt Sergeant telling me so.)