projects for winter break, part 3

statico on 2004-12-01T04:45:59

The list continues...

  • Ricardo pointed out that I need to get Text::KwikiFormat out the door. I think I'll release it standalone instead of the KWID (KWiki Inline Documentation) package.
  • I need to fix WWW::Babelfish so that I can release Acme::LAUTER::DEUTSCHER, which I mentioned a while back.


domm on 2004-12-01T09:12:52

I hacked together Template::Plugin::KwikiFormat a while ago, which actually embeds/subclasses Kwiki::Formater. Thanks to Spoon/Spiffy it wasn't very easy and to use it I have to load a whole bunch of stuff I don't care about (eg.

If you program your module by actually recreating the functionality without using Kwiki, please give me a note when you're done, and I'll switch to your code.