formatting POD with LaTeX

statico on 2004-11-01T23:37:18

Since I don't know who I'll be sending $writing_project to or what format they'll expect it in, I chose to write it in POD. However, my independent study advisor needs to review it in hardcopy form, so I typeset the document with LaTeX.

Unfortunately, pod2latex's "-full" option adds a \usepackage[T1]directive which makes pdflatex's output icky. Also, I wanted a sleeker look to the pages. I took a look at the latest O'Reilly book I had hanging around and decided to mimic the style. The result is, IMHO, really nice.

I do all my writing in "thedoc.pod" and have a Makefile that converts it to LaTeX, inserts it into a full, pre-formatted LaTeX document, and does what it needs to with that.

Here's the TeX document that includes the output of pod2latex:


\usepackage{newcent} % use New Century Schoolbook for normal font \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} % use Courier for typewriter font \usepackage[sf,bf,compact]{titlesec} % sans-serif, bold, compact headings \parindent=0em % no indenting on first paragraphs \parskip=0.6em % tighter spacing between paragraphs

\begin{document} \include{thedoc} \end{document}

Here's the Makefile (probably not written properly, but it works):

# vim:set noet:
PRINTER = xxxxxxx
BASENAME = thedoc
PRINTABLE = printable

help: @ echo "usage: make { pdf | print PRINTER=xxxxxx | clean }"

$(BASENAME).tex: pod2latex $(BASENAME).pod

print: $(BASENAME).tex latex $(PRINTABLE).tex dvips -t letter -P $(PRINTER) $(PRINTABLE).dvi

pdf: $(BASENAME).tex pdflatex $(PRINTABLE).tex open $(PRINTABLE).pdf

clean: rm -rf *.aux *.idx *.log *.toc \ $(BASENAME).tex $(PRINTABLE).pdf

There are a few issues with really long lines of code, but these could probably be fixed with changing the font size of verbatim or using the fullpage package.


brian_d_foy on 2004-11-02T05:21:47

For The Perl Review, I wrote Pod::LaTeX::TPR. Not only do I get to make the output what I like, I can add POD things as I like.

You could steal from that to make your own, although I think the Pod::* stuff has evolved a lot since then.


statico on 2004-11-02T05:27:01

Neat, thanks!