murder, mystery and intrigue involving AxKit, Kwiki...

statico on 2004-05-02T03:30:20

A while ago, someone asked the then-leader of Crew (my student group) why we weren't doing something cutting-edge with our web site, as cutting-edge is stuff is somewhat of what we're about. So Kevin threw on AxKit, which I later learned and wrote tools with for one of our contests.

Later on, I discovered wikis. From what I've observed, wikis focus on a band in the spectrum between collaboration and content-management. After playing with XML documents I installed AxKit::XSP::Wiki onto the Crew's site so that anyone (from a college IP) could edit the site. Collaboration, documentation and content appeared at an alarming rate.

AxKit::XSP::Wiki is pretty nice, but Crew found it limited. I decided to create my own. I blathered a bit to Matt Sergeant and pondered simply extending AxKit::XSP::Wiki. However, I felt that my wiki needed to be a separate project, and created AxKit::App::AnotherWiki.

For two weeks around Christmas I was on the island of Eleuthera. I worked on AnotherWiki late at night and added such features using CGI::Wiki as a backend, search, and robust error handling. It looked and worked great. And, like many of my things I expect other people to use, I made it simple to set up.

Unfortunately, on the plane ride back to the city, it dawned on me that wiki's aren't appropriate for single users that simply want content management, not collaboration. Already this had been a problem with Pete where people were defacing his cryptography wiki. We wanted easy content creation with a wiki syntax.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I wrote a mod_perl handler that combined File::Cache, the Pete's using it as well, and Muncus will probably follow if I can convince him.

I'm debating uploading it to CPAN, as all the module does is tie together a few things. But then again, it made my life easier, it could make someone elses.

Anyway, to summarize, all of the pages on are written in KwikiText. As for AnotherWiki, I announced it to the AxKit mailing list and posted a (functional) tarball of where I left off.