[Perl 6 Microgrant] Tuits

speters on 2007-05-09T19:48:32

Sorry, no real news here. End of school year means available time is being sucked up by running the children to concerts, recitals, soccer games, and so on. My wife is enjoying working on final papers, studying for exams, and art projects. At the same time, I'm nearly finished with my basement.

Perl 5 has occupied my time as well with me finally completing an old bug fix and updating new modules. My side projects of trying to test CPAN with bleadperl and creating TODO tests for the existing Perl bugs have been cutting into my tuit supply as well.

Fortunately, my tuits should increase towards the end of next week. In the mean time, don't expect any major changes, but I should have a trickle of changes starting in the next day or so.