[Perl 6 Microgrant] The great variable renaming

speters on 2007-04-09T13:05:21

Yesterday, I sent in a patch that appears to clean up the last bits necessary to get Intel C++ to compile. One big problem for C++ compiles.

vtable->class ...

Yes, that's right. A variable named class. C++ really doesn't like that very much. I would have thought that would have been something that -Wc++-compat would have caught, but obviously it didn't. I'm looking at

vtable->pmc_class ...

as a possible replacement, but I should mail the p6i list on that change.

With all the cleanup, though, the problems with linking a workable Parrot became clear. The guessed platform seems to be messed up with Intel C++ causing defines to be incorrect for src/platform.c. I should have this sorted out early this week.