Ogre again

slanning on 2007-11-16T20:03:27

It took about 2 months to get another release of Ogre out, but there it is finally. I was stuck trying to make a script to generate all the XS for the whole API and went down a few dead-ends.

I've added three examples, all ported from OGRE's sample applications in C++. One zooms the camera around while keeping it tracking on an Ogre head. A second one is a really pretty particle-effects demo, like fireworks or particle "fountains". The third shows "skeletal animation", and is really cool how the ladies creep around.

The next demo I'm working on is showing how to make the camera (or whatever scene node) maintain a constant height above a varying terrain (the "Terrain" sample application in OGRE). That uses "ray queries" which are just vectors pointing down from the object and you query whether the vector pokes through anything (in this case the terrain). The demo puts me in the mind of "Medieval: Total War", the 3-d battle scenes (except without any units or anything).