Nordic Perl Workshop

slanning on 2007-04-26T13:34:08

Heading to Copenhagen tomorrow for the Nordic Perl Workshop. Not giving any talks. Actually, I haven't even looked at the schedule of talks yet.


Qiang on 2007-04-26T16:12:45

oh, i didn't know that WHO is running on mod_perl. :)


slanning on 2007-04-29T09:22:32

The frontend web servers don't really use mod_perl much (aside from rare cases of Mason usage). The static HTML pages are generated by Bricolage, however, which runs on mod_perl.


Qiang on 2007-04-29T15:11:17

oh. had a chance browsing bricolage features. i like the static html generation. took a look at krang and it doesn't seem to do that.

what's the reason of using bricolage over krang in WHO? (krang created after bricolage? ) other than you are one of the bricolage contributor :)


slanning on 2007-05-02T10:26:47

Hmm, I'm pretty sure Krang does generate static HTML....not sure where you got that idea from.

Yes, Krang was derived from Bricolage. Sam Tregar (Krang creator) used to work on Bricolage, then he decided to make a lighter version of it that suited his particular needs better. The way I think of it (and this is based on things from a few years ago so I don't know what Krang's up to now), Krang is simpler and faster, while Bricolage is maybe more general and powerful; so maybe it's a matter of whether you prefer vi or emacs.

We've been using Bricolage here since well before Krang was created (in fact, I was hired here because I had worked a some on Bricolage). When Krang came out, I thought a little bit about whether we could switch to it, but it would've involved some work, it's not trivial to do in our organization in terms of retraining and everything like that (legacy issues), and Krang was brand new anyway so not as tried and true if you will.

Recently I've been thinking of making my own CMS, though not necessarily to use at WHO. That was behind my recent journal entry about.... I dunno, distributed event-driven applications. Another thing I found today that I need to look at is cometd. I guess I'm lazy, though, so this idea will probably never amount to anything; that really would be a lot of work to implement the functionality of Bricolage.