So, today was supposed to be a big release day, and it was for the parrot guys, but it isn't for me! After working hard on tracking down memory corruption problems over the weekend, I still fail at my objective.
Status is pretty good, the current ponie will use hashes and arrays and lvalues hidden in PMCs, and it will pass over 80% of miniperl tests. However there seems to be some random memory corruption happening with arrays when they are being resized after something has happened to them. AvARRAY ends up pointing directly into an parrot managed arena.
The annoying thing is that most test pass, but a random selection of things fail, and they fail int he pad code because of the array issue, but no array tests fail, meaning there is most likely a lack of tests for how array resizing works.
One good thing is I sent a ponie related patch to p5p to clear up some nasty macros.