announcing GraTa

sir_lichtkind on 2009-03-14T16:30:20

yes i have enough to do with Kephra, my perl 6 stuff and the upcoming WxPerl workshop i will give i want to start a prject i longed to start for quit a while. i maybe call it grata, which is short for graphischer taschenrechner (graphical calculator).

It will be a WxPainDC with some buttons and switches do paint certain 2D graphics from a matematical standpoint and also export them as PNG or alike.

that may sound a bit fuzzy but its about some ideas i have that still condensing in my mind. and this program should be able visualize some metematical, geometrical ideas i have.


DiamondInTheRough on 2009-10-31T08:02:26

Perfect description, from how well I'm told Wx is documented. :)


sir_lichtkind on 2009-11-07T11:25:22

it was obviously a typo. I meant WxPaintDC, Wx is documented well amd I'm already using strawberry :)