I should maybe compare obama with hitler. But I'm not interested in flamebait, just to be understood and nobody listen if you are speak from righteousness. i even don't want to dwell on sad things so why speak about obama.
because its not about him, he is just a symptom like bush, not the problem. people in fear want to believe rather in outside things than in themself, in their ideas in their abilities, in their goals. that always caused problems. any dictator could not gain more power than people where willing to give him. if people comprehend themself as individuals with greater power than they might imagine, then we will still have different opinions but most of the brutality will be gone. cruelty comes from fear. fear comes from the thought that you can't have something you desire, which is always an illusion.
i was raised in GDR and got my fair share of brainwashing from the early on. everybody knew it that it was propaganda. but most people had some trust in the basic goodwill of mankind and the basic concepts behind socialism. in eastern propaganda nearly everything coming from west was daemonized as fascist and reactionist. and we all know that in some areas there is some truth to it like was in western propaganda. noone likes war. but in all that overstated speeches I never had a personally felt understanding how hitler could raise to power until i saw obamas speeches.
i don't say he is a fascist to throw mud, he just is. If you dissect the technical definition of fascism, given by benito mussolini, the propagated founder of italian fascism, where the term was firstly used in modern context (but with conotation with roman tradition). he described fascism as combination of all powers under one strict leadership like the "fasce" means bale. if you take a look on obamas team there is not much doubt left about that.
last time i spoke about that and got a lot of attention here, many said: how can you know that he is lying, have you ever spoke to him personally? .. and so on. Yeah, and gut feelings are ridiculed as truthiness. But in my case its more than about gut impressions. Watch him carefully. Listen to you heart. if you look at him its cold.
All so called leaders don't matter. you matter. follow yourself and be happy. its you life, so where you want to go today(tm) .)
Re:Even IF you were correct...
sir_lichtkind on 2008-12-30T12:14:07
like i said he's only a frontmen, a speaking salesman. people behind him are in office since over 30 years. and thats just the easy provable icetip.
You totally can has cheezburger, dude. And you can even get replies to stupid political posts to a programming website. But this path does not lead to respect or intelligent conversation.
sir_lichtkind on 2008-12-31T13:48:40
You'right, its hard to have intelligent conversation when people don't respect divergent opinions.Re:Um…
Aristotle on 2008-12-31T13:54:41
It’s hard to have an intelligent conversation about obvious things.
sir_lichtkind on 2008-12-31T14:33:06
That doesn't say much because obvious is always the own viewpoint:) Re:Um…
Aristotle on 2008-12-31T18:58:28