The next stable, polished and documented version with long time support after nearly 3 years arrives. It has a pretty long changelog and already a small but dedicated user base.
Some may ask: This is just another small Editor, win only, with a failing test suite? - Why should I care?
Actually it does run fine under my Xubuntu (should under Mac too), I'm addressing the technical problems next, but this release is all about the end user (which mostly use our all inc. distro).
We attempt to make Kephra suck less than all the other editors, by bringing Perl philosophy to text editing. Like Padre, which started some months ago with a lot of noise and is driven by some admittingly able person, we also want to provide good development tools (we agreed to share stuff like increasingly web frameworks do lately) and even spread the word of Perl beyond our realms (pollute the download archives).
Watch our website, some content, like roadmap will be updated next days.