All the Perl that's Practical to Extract and Report
frequent readers know, I investigated this question (>) a lot even after yesterdays butchers job (massive refactoring of kephra internals for more input robustness and clearer call names). these readers know that my idea exceeds what Gabor writes because thats just a part of what coder usually expect and i want to go deeper like perl 6 does.* Macros, shure but yet another language and how do that relate to the embedding or main implementing language. My idea is to have a set of defined keywors that can have parameters but that can also passed to a routine which is the effective macro recorder and is also used internally. there is also an internal call API in Kephra and i want to use there the same ID as well so it will be less clutter.* Launchable from the command line. Since we do perl this is no issue.* Regular expression search and replace, second nobrainer with perl. the issue is nonetheless that scintilla already supports a DIFFERENT regex feature set of regex and kephra and padre have to ditch that convenient search facilities or enable a further option (p5regex) which leads to a more ugly split engine solution* Additive cut and copy commands. bin there, done that, still space to improve* Multiple registers, longtime wish since seen in jedit* Cross-platform, no issue with Wx, just install is one (yet)I see some important features more:* vi-like commandline (the fastest communication)* optional emacs-like keybinding* kommodo-like toolbox/snippet lib (can be combined with ideas of emacs org-mode)* project manager / nice handling of file groups (kephra has some marginal support of the ladder)* debugger capabilities (gabor does there the work for me :) )* good language help/autocompletition/outlining support. (padre is here one nose length ahead with its hackish sub listing, but it should be done with PPI)that leades to some wishes that sam vilain correctly states, perfect solution would be running the editor on Parrot which i disussed with leo years ago. I also talked with allison to support any volunteer that will do a Wx binding for Parrot but that is dream so far. To have Kephra on Parrot would not only give as extensibility with lang of choice but also realtime introspection which would make Kephra a class of its own-IDE for dynamic languages. But thats also discussed here before.