this is th 20th bug I'm fixing till 0.3.10. One of the thing that makes me really angry. I spend nights to fix something and then the next bug pops up. some of these things even weren't my fault but just changes standard behavior of the moduls I use. but finally i think Kephra is in good shape (except the test suite which needes to be fixed and extended and the logging system which is still want to move to wx own logging facilities). But besides that (and the heave problem with File::UserConfig which won't install under linux and mac), i really can slowly think about, how to implement the syntaxmodes.
I already thinking a while about that and it makes me happy that these will close a lot of uglyness in the editor. the lexer colors will be set faster and only when needed, heck it will be possible to configure them from a dialog and eval then less dirty than now. the commenting will be cleaned up and work proper according to the current language. also the output panel will call the proper interpreter or compiler accorting the language. you could than also define further document properties per languages which override the global ones.
When this all is done I will release 0.3.11. Than just waiting for the unescapable bug reports while making the config dialog and than really whould be served so long awaited stable release 0.4.