believe it or not, when i programmed for hours the last days, making the 0.3.10 release I could not start directly the codebase I was writing on. Everytime I wanted to run it and check if it worked the way I wanted, I used my packaging tool, which updated the winball distro and then i could run that. now i fixed the so I can run and dogfood the codebase directly again. thats i big timesaver. and one day, when File::UserConfig incorporates my sugestion, no extra is necessary. i also renamed it into amd moved it outside the repository, residing now one dir above, because I dont want to ship this.
So next stop will be definitely the testsuite. I have the book (perl testing) and after fixes (disabling workaround the current Wx problem with the dragacceptfiles methods) the fixing and extending of the test suite will make Kephra just work cleanly. smile.