Why I'm passionate about Perl?

sir_lichtkind on 2008-05-11T11:07:06

Of course because I once got used to it and now convinced everybody else is wrong. *g*

All ... right, I am usually keen not to do what others do, but in this case I'm even keen not to do what I would do. *g*

Here's my reply.

  • The person who introduced me to Perl showed me that... perl regexes are insanely powerfull and that its more effective for text manipulation and web site programming than anything else.
  • I first starting using Perl to... build Kephra *g*
  • I kept using Perl because... I wanted to explore the ocean called Perl. I already decided after first weeks and just wanted to be a better programmer.
  • I can't stop thinking about Perl... because of the culture in and around the language.
  • I'm still using Perl because... its fun and Larry is right. Not on every detail, but at least on the deeper principles he shows more wisdom than any other PL folks i know of.
  • I get other people to use Perl by... whenever I get the chance because, I like to share the fun and like to show that its more fun to me more concise. I also like to say truth, like the fact taht its stupid to miss something only because somebody said something without to have actually have a glimpse of first hand knowledge. And at least I have friends that program in C# or Java and there always fun comments why the other person's choice is obviously wrong. *g*
  • I also program in ... and ..., but I like Perl better since... thank god i managed to switch completely or does count perl 6 as a separate language?