
sir_lichtkind on 2008-04-27T00:41:36

lots of things happened: Kephra runs on newest Wx, now will be delivered with Strawberry Perl, configs are now completely selfhosting (runs even without a single config file), lots of internal rewrites, cleanups and tons of fixing. Also rounded many visual edges and added small pieces I wanted since long times to give Kephra a look and feel of a real thought out endusers-app. So time to bring out our RC2 named Kephra 0.3.9 which should appear on Monday.

Yes some smaller CPAN issues also solved, or at least cleared in my mind, but I wanted introduce with this post my release tool that I have since a while. But now it becomes more and more usable. It doesn't have all I would like to have, but at least I can handle 3 kinds of distros (source only, cpan, and strawberry winball) can check there version, refresh and make a release with just a mouseclick. recently I plugged in the output of my yet small test suite so i can automate this too, that an unsuccessful test can prevent a release.

but since the releasetool itself is written in wxperl, it is also a playground to find optimizations in wx programming helping me to get some usefull stuff to teach on my forthcoming WxPerlworkshop.

lots of overlaping things are in the queue: mentoring for soc, WxPerlworkshop, some articles (thanks chromatic, renee, christian and jochen for patience). I should that do next :).

but back to kephra.. now its really just the config dialog and maybe one to display the current key binding. waiting what will happen after 0.3.9 but we should have 0.4 really soon (tm).