plans for kephra 0.4

sir_lichtkind on 2008-04-08T20:14:03

in know, i know perl people want a cpan release but hej listen. every cpan upload i did, fails for a different reason because i'm pushing this thing from bug to bug to an happy end. ASAP there will be an working cpan release.

Meanwhile i have to care about my user base, which mostly prefer to 50% the stable release which is stone age. i mean okt 2005, missing some of now most important features like the search bar, I want the users to have. Furthermore its called pce not kephra. the name confusion has to end and will be just and forwarding alias.

thatswhy i now announce feature freeze (beside the new config dialog), cosmetic cleanup and docs refresh for the upcoming release which should also pollute some win download archives, spreading the word of perl.

After thats done I will be more free to make things like UTF support, code folding, output panel, with minimal debugging, extention API and so on. like i said cpan installer will happen when last bug is gone which is hardly predictable. thank you and good night.