Tweaky Tweaky

sir_lichtkind on 2007-12-15T12:38:28

Yeah I lingered a bit with minor things like tweaking Kephras text moving behaviour in searchbar, which I'm now really happy with, several minor things, putting up a new SVN rep for the new sf project, some things had also to be renamed to Kephra and a README for the upcoming CPAN release had to be written. some preparations to release Perl6::Bible 0.31 i did also .

I also dwelled a bit how to make the final switch to the new path management which authored alias. I think i will begin with the docs-path which is not crucial to start the app, only docs won't show up. when this works it will be also applied to the config dir handling.

Thinking about lot of things, a PAR distro would be nice i think sometimes but what we now really need before we can release 0.4 is a working config dialog which is great help for many users and what would us separate from SciTe. Many SciTe users requested it but up to now it never showed up.

The other thing is also the statusbar. You may ask why o why want to rebuild the status bar if it works? Because it causes one of the major components(searchbar) several problems, there are optical glitches when you reload config and also when you alter its position and problems to destroy objects. I will set up a better system for the sizer, keeping in mind how to handle split view and the modules that will appear, once the plugin API is nailed down.