First: btilly++ for reading the last post :).
The interesting part is, that several greater feature, which i mark in the ChangeLog file with a * rather than + for minor enhancements, I introduced with the latest nightly versions that i host here. That means that are more than enough fresh stuff to make the next testing release. in fact the last testing release was the first that brought nearly nothing new. but wait there some bugs i want to fix, because i want the testing releases to be usable.
That brings me to the topic of release cycles and the roadmap, that is shown on the website, but that i completely scrapped in my mind, because you can't plan everything. And its also more fun to communicate with life aka the needs of the living users.
There is somewhere a baloon if ideas in my mind i would like to have implemented. thats why we so far away from 1.0, but i think a better goal would be for version 1.0 to be a usable and complete free perl IDE. And there is no shame to have a version 2.0.
The second number after the dots i wanted to count the stable versions. Whenever larger parts and overhauls are completed and its tested for some time, I wanted to release them. But with the guarantee to fix any later occuring bugs if possible.
Steps between the stable versions have 3 numbers and I call them testing releases, because that are snapshots i consider good and worth testing. And i need the testing to make good stable versions. :) Not that I don't want write test, but you know, with programms that have so many Parts working together, that are such dependend from user's action and last but not least that have a foremost visual output, you can't test everything by the software itself. So test versions are important, but you get the bugfixes just with the next testing release.
The fourth number counts the nightly releases. That measures the efforts to change something in the code. In Perl we don't have build versions anyway. :) Long number colons look also more serious, and this project is serious to me. It's also a bit of a warning: take, no thats fixed in ä my brain hurts, so much numbers, i'd rather take the stable 0.3, which is now 0.3.PL.2 because there where 2 bugs to fix in it, but at least i don't have to mess with branches.