what wonderful feeeeeeeeling,
yes pce/kepher/kephra (we work on that :) ) is not dead. after fixing a stack of bugs (some remaining), many polished edges and little feature extentions, (some new things are cheduled upt to 0.4 like config dialog, folding, and mybe very simple debugger), im quit happy with the current state, and im happe to be able to code further on that.
Next 2 bugs are really nifty (needs to write some genereal code for dynamic menu refresh, and hack around a officially affirmed WxWidgets bug(combobox textchange event is triggered twice, therefore i loose focus and value)). and another yak to shave (speak with adams preferred terms) is the remerge of adams work and some things i wrote while i was in prague.
maybe there will be a 0.3.4 release if this is done. the editor has still its fans jenne(the designer) is back and i hope manu will set up our wiki under wxperl.de soon.
thats all for now, thanks