WIAB Updates

singingfish on 2007-03-28T07:33:54

I've been poking Website in a box a little since it's public release. I added reasonable documentation for deployment administration and editing. I also updated the TODO realising I forgot to do that before. Here it is in aproximate order at subversion revision 103:

  1. Clean templates add styled to forms and release non js stable version
  2. Wysywig dojo editor
  3. Par deployment
  4. Orderable menus (javascript only)
  5. Internal links and image addresses via textile/dojo plugin
  6. Make images slightly easier to deal with.
  7. Provide image upload area (with auto-resize?)
  8. Sensible cacheing (pref a static file cache so pages only need to be generated once).
  9. Remove remaining warnings (also ongoing)

Along the way to getting Dojo into WIAB, I found an "interesting" interaction bug between Template::Plugin::CGI and the built in Catalyst test server... Must report that problem. Something to do with CGI expecting stuff from STDIN at inappropriate times.

Naturally if I have any volunteers for any of the above jobs ...