SpamAssassin Semi-Joy

shockme on 2002-09-23T16:17:20

Well, after a little further research, I discovered a cockpit error in the spamd restart script. I'm trying to restart sendmail, spam-ass milter, and spamd every hour. I placed all of the restart calls in a bash script, and cron'd it like so:

* 1 * * * /home/stephen/bin/

Yep, that runs every morning at 1:00 whether I want it to or not. Changing it to 0 * * * * fixed that. spamd still hangs, but the restart script is correcting it in a more timely fashion now. I hate that this is even necessary. It's ugly.


gav on 2002-09-23T16:32:33

Have you tried just running spamassassin though procmail?
| spamassassin -P
As I only get This might work better than using a milter, as I recall they are broken in several versions of sendmail (the one that comes with 7.3 and I use anyway).


Dom2 on 2002-09-23T18:18:33

Surely you mean spamc / spamd?



shockme on 2002-09-23T18:25:05

A system-wide procmail was recommended by a friend the other day. I think it's a good idea. At any rate, it can't be possibly be worse than the existing solution. (Okay, okay ... things can always get worse ...)

As soon as my workload subsides this week (yeah, right), I'll definitely be looking into it.


gav on 2002-09-23T18:25:58

Not quite sure what happened to that post. It was supposed to be something like:

As I only get <50 emails a day. On our work server we get a couple of thousand and have had good results with spamc/spamd (just replace 'spamassassin -P' with 'spamc').

only at 1am?

merlyn on 2002-09-23T17:39:56

* 1 * * * /home/stephen/bin/
Uh, that runs at every minute (60 times total) during 1am. Do you really need to restart Sendmail that much? {grin}

Re:only at 1am?

shockme on 2002-09-23T18:22:14

Oh. Right. Heh. Either way, it's completely not what I wanted. But it does explain the huge drop in SPAM received between 1am and 2am. ;)

Try pperl instead

Matts on 2002-09-23T19:34:15

If it's performance you're worried about, try PPerl (from CPAN) for running /usr/bin/spamassassin instead. It'll be a little slower than spamd (for various reasons I won't go into), but you won't have the startup overhead of the perl compilation every time.