Another day, nothing done, but this time, it's not my fault.
I started the day running through the Sendmail installation instructions, ensuring all of the directory permissions/ownership were correct. I hadn't created the security certificates yet, so I was off to server #3 to do that. Server #3 was non-responsive. (We're going through an IP change-over, so big deal.) After I reconfigured server #3, it's still non-responsive. I'm trying to track down the networking guys to the get ports straightened out, when I'm suddenly derailed.
One of the research servers is offline. I go to investigate, and the damned thing is unplugged. The electrical cord is connected to a swing arm on the rack. When the swing arm is fully extended, it unseats the plug. Great. So, I get one of the guys to start working on that, while I try to get the server back online. And things got alot worse ....
From that point until the end of the day, it was one thing after another. A lot of small shit that eventually smothered any hope of productivity.
Anybody have experience with the PS2 version of Dance Dance Revolution?