$beer++ if !($DSL);

shockme on 2002-02-06T20:22:51

I finally got around to posting PerlMonks today. Given the dependability of the server, I probably should've held off another few weeks.

My DSL connection is down at home. It happened suddenly yesterday morning. I called and reported the problem. Apparently I'm the only person in my neighborhood who uses DSL, because Southwestern Bell was completely oblivious to the problem prior to my afternoon telephone call. They said they should have the problem corrected within 24 hours, and according to my clock, that 24-hour period expires at about 16:00 today.

I really hope I'm back online tonight. In an apparent attempt to fill the down time, I drank one too many beers last night. I slept through the night, but didn't rest for shit. I'm exhausted today.

C'mon Southwester Bell . . . you can do it . . .


DSL gooooood . . . now, where'd I put that beer . . . ? ;)