Friday, January 25, 2002

shockme on 2002-01-25T18:34:56

Opera is my browser of choice, but v6.0 TP2 - while being far superior to v5.0 - is an unpredictable pain in the ass. They should change the wording on the "Back" button to read "core dump". This would save a lot of real estate, because they wouldn't need the Forward button. If you can't go back, you'll never go foward. Piece of crap.

Finally got my kernel upgraded to 2.4.17. Whoohoo. CDROM access has been restored. Please feel free to move about the cabin.

Update 19:11
I've been trying to learn in my spare time. You wouldn't think it would be that hard, but it's kickin my butt. I keep telling myself it's because I'm learning it in the evenings when I'm tired. Either way, it's starting to piss me off. I don't know if CGI Programming With Perl is poorly written, or if I'm just too impatient. I readily admit that I'm skipping around alot, but finding what I need seems very difficult. I'm somewhat disappointed in the content, and find myself using perldoc to locate what I really need. Maybe I just need a break from everything, but I really want to get this crap working.