Javascript Goodness

sheriff_p on 2005-10-10T08:30:48

I've been doing some pretty funky stuff with Javascript recently - I had a two week gig to produce a front end to an XMLRPC interface to a client's admin system - if you're a Bytemark customer you can have a play at:

I really like how Javascript makes me think differently about some aspects of programming - the inheritance system is ... different, but kinda funky, and I've been relying on closures more than I've had to before.

So if anyone knows anyone who needs some Javascript contracting done ... :-)

Class::Prototyped is like Javascript

merlyn on 2005-10-10T13:57:36

If you like Javascript's slot-based prototype inheritance model, you should check out Class::Prototyped, which provides a similar thing in Perl. I used that class as the basis of my CGI::Prototype module.