Did YAPC a bit ago and I feel like I haven't really coded sense then. Motorcycle needed a new rear tire, and I've been low on cash, so I'm stuck around the house, where the distraction is. Without going back and looking at my logs, I think I got some NG work done and I got an OSX laptop running for myself. I spend a lot of time fixing up laptops. Before I left, it was an old 486 Toshiba Satellite T1910CS a friend left, which now runs FreeBSD (old FreeBSD). I also redid the level editor in the zombie game and did the very beginning of a newbie land, but no one took a lead and started building. Chicken and egg thing; no one is going to build areas on it until its already popular, so it's all me. I have to make suck. That was the real magic of LPMuds -- network games were so novel and such as a nexxus for hopes and ambitions that, for years, a new, empty one would draw people from all over who wanted to build areas or more.
So, now the gf is out of town for the weekend and I'm going to make a mad rush to get some of this stuff done. NG has been "go" lately, which is good for me.
But Lmg has been active on the MUD again. For about half of eternity, since the mid-late 1990's anyway, I've been working on a GUI for the (otherwise text based) game (MUD is Multi User Dungeon, for you kids out there). At first, it was in Netscape 2 then 3 as a small 3x5 set of crayon drawn tiles with some JavaScript and serverpush. Then a Java applet with a larger map but the same tiles. In both cases, it was mostly text but the map showed you what and who was around you. Then Flash, with Lmg, but that was only showing a chunk of land at a time, with no scrolling, just refreshing the whole thing when you walked past an edge. Then Java/Processing. Now Flash/Flex. ActionScript 3 sure looks like Java -- I'm not working on that end so I'm only seeing it, but am I wrong here? So, anyway, I need to take advantage of this and get this thing running before we lose him again.
And I need to get some refactor work done for NG.
So, in all of the fuss, the zombie game is in limbo for a bit.
Edit: I meant to comment on the stupidity of reworking the graphics all the time, having it usually not running at all rather than just being ugly and out of date, and the stupidity of starting over on the client. Every now and then, a personal project gets dysfunctional in a similar way to managed projects.