Zombie apocalypse game -- running out of things to do

scrottie on 2007-06-09T10:47:58


* More tiles * More levels * Logo (help? please? anyone?) * Playtesting then Advertising * Dedicated level builder screen * Spraypaint usable by players to tag walls * Idle mode, where idle players are removed from the map and scoring temporarily * Zombie ability to drag away wounded survivors * Zombie ransack ability, where items available to be taken are hidden in the mess until its cleaned up * Preference screen, with blank for email address, description of self, etc * Means for wizards to specify a room's starting contents after game reset (currently items must be re-placed manually) * Max carry capacity


* Robot zombies (to get the game started) -- they walk towards players they can see, attack players that are present, attack barricades that are present, head towards the groans of other zombies or noises such as shotgun blasts or flares * Bitmapped + CSS map with image tiles * Barricades that can have items added to them, barricadable doors and walls * Doors that close and lock * 10 bodies on the same tile block entrance to a tile/grid location * Logic for re-initializing the map by creating fresh clones of all wall/door objects * Flares, various medical aids, guns, axe for hacking barricades or for use by zombies, desks and whatnot for barricading with * IP based turn rate throttling * Feeding groans for zombies (like guns, the sound is broadcast over a radius of tiles) * Tile bitmap editor * Infection system where players have a chance of becoming infected each hit by a zombie but aren't told of the infection until they suddenly die with the ability to stand up again after a period of time * Score computing system and scoreboard * Taking and dropping items * Explosives that do damage to an area in proportion to the distance from the blast, including doing damage to walls and barricades * Wizard eval box for running code in the context of the game with the JavaScript vi hooked up * File editor for editing arbitrary .pm files, again with the JS vi * Wizard utilities for creating walls, naming and describing locations, creating instances of objects, and reloading modules * Basic character creation sequence * In-game chat * Storable persisting of world * Re-exec'ing self on change to main source file


Ooooh, zombies!

Yanick on 2007-06-09T17:01:49

I love zombies! Well, it's a tough kind of love that involve riddling them with shotgun pellets, dousing them in gasoline and hacking them in little pieces, but I do love them. When you'll want some guinea pigs for the game, be sure to post it here. :-)

As for the logo. Do you have a name for the game?

Re:Ooooh, zombies!

scrottie on 2007-06-09T20:07:06

Hi Yanick,

"Name" should have been a bullet point, I guess. So far, it's kind of minizombies but that was never intended to be permanent. Stealing from both Urban Dead and Kingdom of Loathing would give us Kingdom of Lurching, but stealing too heavily can be bad and it's not nearly as funny as KoL. Could call it "Slowass Zombies" and thus avoid having to buy a domain name for it (it already runs on slowass.net). If I had players, I could ask them to name it. That might be the way to go -- the lazy way.

Dunno! Ideas?

I could use some pre-playtesting sanity checking. That's actually why I was posting ;)


As it is, it would take a while to find the people already on it (me and a couple of friends who I've conned into logging on but haven't spent any significant time playing with the thing) and the only structure already built. Might have to send me an initial email to scott@slowass.net and request I summon you.

If I can get one person to say, "yeah, I think this might be playable", I'll launch playtesting and try to recruit players from a wider audience.


Re:Ooooh, zombies!

Yanick on 2007-06-15T01:38:31

Could call it "Slowass Zombies"

I like that. It has a ring to it. And it just invites taglines like "slow and steady wins the brain". :-)

I could use some pre-playtesting sanity checking.

Excellent. I've already logged, and I'll sniff around and let you know if I can think of something.

weird map

gizmo_mathboy on 2007-06-10T03:56:01

I'm running around as gmbh and all I've found after a few minutes is a road.

I love teh zombie and played Urban Dead for awhile until all my characters died and I haven't had the time to run up a tech to revive them.

I really loves teh zombie stuff though.