Building PDL on BSD (OpenBSD, Sparc)

scrottie on 2007-05-20T06:18:03


Manifying ../../blib/man1/pdl.1 Manifying ../../blib/man1/PDL::PP.1 Manifying ../../blib/man1/PDL::API.1 Graph cycles through pm_to_blib

Manifying ../../../blib/man3/Pdlpp.3 cp pptemplate ../../blib/script/pptemplate cp: pptemplate: No such file or directory *** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/home/scott/perlmodules/PDL-2.4.3/Basic/Gen (line 455 of Makefile). *** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/home/scott/perlmodules/PDL-2.4.3/Basic (line 511 of Makefile). *** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/home/scott/perlmodules/PDL-2.4.3 (line 536 of Makefile).

Solution: use gmake.

Posting because Google didn't have fixes in any of the hits for the search string P``DL "cp: pptemplate: No such file or directory"''. *Usually* the ordinary make utility works fine, ./configure finds gmake if it wants it, or else the Makefile or something else stops you before it tries to do anything. But in these rare cases where the build process mysteriously goes wrong... well... don't always remember that it's a gmake world out there.
