Princess Box Stuffer

scrottie on 2007-05-03T00:25:41

(Writing this down so I can throw away the associated Post-It (r) note.)

Trivia for new hires: which one of these two items does *not* appear in the adult section of the site:

1. Princess Box Stuffer 2. Hot White Chocolate

Also, here's a little story... people who advertise on Google for @every_keyword_on_Earth have the process automated. Either they monitor the recent searches somewhere on the 'net, or pay attention to keywords that are used to find them in searches, or whatever. Then they take these keywords and start bidding on them (probably using some kind of logic or math to optimize how much they're bidding on them). This company, a shopping comparison site, through entirely automatic processes, started bidding on "your mother". When you clicked on the ad for "your mother" in Google, it would do its "searching for the best prices on your mother" routine, and then "$n matches found for your mother...". Well, anyway, *I* thought it was funny...
