I stumbled onto the website of EnterpriseDB which markets a product called EnterpriseDB which appears to be essentially a re-branded PostGreSQL. I will be very interested to see if CPAN modules targeted to PostGreSQL work out of the box with this database. Presumably, they would. My super search of Perlmonks.org turned up exactly zero references to EnterpriseDB, which was mildly surprising.
The biggest roadblock to more widespread adoption of PostGreSQL in my opinion has been its horrible name. Any branding or marketing consultant worth their salt would blanch in horror if a client suggested giving a product such a hard to spell, difficult to pronounce name. I don't know how any CIO could sell switching to PostGreSQL; you can just imagine the CEO saying "you want us to switch to Post-what? post-grrsklll? post grease-kill? Forget it."