gitPAN now updating

schwern on 2010-01-07T03:05:02

After a month's break I've fixed up the gitPAN importer so it can update distributions in place fairly efficiently. This involved a major overhaul of Parse::BACKPAN::Packages into the new SQLite and DBIx::Class backed BackPAN::Index. Faster, leaner, far more flexible.

Its grinding through an update now, should be done before tomorrow morning. Still running off my laptop, hosting is in the works and then daily updates can happen.

UPDATE: The update is complete. Hit a few snags. 1) I wasn't always sorting releases by date, so I might have gotten some out of order in this update. Eventually there will be a full sweep and rebuild. 2) Some parts of github are case sensitive, some parts are not, and this caused some issues when distribution names subtly change case (like WebService vs Webservice). BackPAN::Index treats this as two different distributions, github treats it as one repository, hilarity ensues.

So that's the first 90% complete. Given that too about a month and the last 10% takes 90% of the time... see you in 2011.