I've been doing acceptance level QA at my $job lately which means a lot of clicking around in browsers and a lot of writing Selenium tests. Really my job is to reduce the amount of manual testing which needs to be done and automate as much as possible.
I was talking with Zack who said he hates Selenium. What he really meant was he hates testing at the browser level. Its so finicky to write Selenium regression tests that won't break later because the layout changed. He'd rather unit test his Javascript. I pointed out Test.Simple as a solution. Trouble is, that runs in a browser and someone still has to look at it. That's not very useful for automated tests.
So I began wondering... what would it take to pipe the Test.Simple TAP into TAP::Harness? Ideally I want to run the Javascript with a real DOM in a real browser, not some tinker toy simulation. Can I get Firefox to pipe its page rendering to STDOUT? I asked David Wheeler if he knew of anything and pointed me at some unfinished things like JSAN::Prove which requires a bunch of complicated setup and dependencies which I tl;dr'd.
Maybe there's some module on CPAN which can pipe from Firefox. I searched for "firefox" and what comes up but WWW::Selenium. OF COURSE! I can use WWW::Selenium to talk to Selenium Remote Control and get the output of a web page!
require WWW::Selenium;
# Assumes you have a selenium server running locally on 4444 my $sel = WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost", post => 4444, browser => "*firefox", browser_url => "file://nothing" );
$sel->start; $sel->open('http://isperldeadyet.com'); print $sel->get_body_text();
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use TAP::Harness;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ exec => sub { my( $harness, $file ) = @_;
# Let Perl programs run normally return undef unless $file =~ m{\.(js|html)$};
require WWW::Selenium; my $sel = WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost", post => 4444, browser => "*firefox", browser_url => "file://nothing" );
require File::Spec; my $url = "file://" . File::Spec->rel2abs($file); $sel->start; $sel->open($url);
# Get whatever's insidereturn $sel->get_text(q{//pre[@id="TAP"]}); }, verbosity => 1 });
Then write up a little HTML wrapper to run a basic Test.Simple test. (Note that t/lib contains the Test.Simple libraries)TAP test
And run it.$ perl -w javascript_harness.plx tap.html tap.html .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=1, 8 wallclock secs ( 0.19 usr + 0.03 sys = 0.22 CPU) Result: PASS
Its slow, but it's awesome! It gives me something to stick into an automated smoke server. Developers need a faster turn around time, so they can quickly and individually unit test it directly in their browser using Test.Harness.Browser... but that's another show.
But wait, there's more!
That HTML wrapper is icky. Wouldn't it be better if one could just test Javascript directly? Why yes! How about we generate the wrapper for .js files?#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use autodie; use TAP::Harness;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ exec => sub { my( $harness, $file ) = @_;
my($type) = $file =~ m{\.(js|html)$}; return unless $type; # run Perl normally
require File::Spec; require WWW::Selenium; my $sel = WWW::Selenium->new( host => "localhost", post => 4444, browser => "*firefox", browser_url => "file://nothing" );
my $url = $type eq 'js' ? _testify_javascript($file) : $type eq 'html' ? File::Spec->rel2abs($file) : die "Unknown type $type";
$sel->start; $sel->open($url); return $sel->get_text(q{//pre[@id="TAP"]}); }, });
# Turn .js files into .html with the Test.Simple libraries loaded. sub _testify_javascript { my $file = shift;
open my $fh, "<", $file; my $javascript = join "", <$fh>;
use Cwd; use File::Temp 'tempfile';
my $cwd = cwd;
my($tmpfh, $tmpfile) = tempfile( CLEANUP => 1 ); print $tmpfh <<"END_OF_HTML";TAP test
return "file://$tmpfile"; }
Which eliminates all the scaffolding from the Javascript test file.plan({ tests: 1 }); ok( 1, "this is a test from Javascript" );
And the end result is I can run Javascript and Perl tests together from the command line.$ perl javascript_harness.plx t/*.js t/*.t t/tap.js .. ok t/perl.t .. ok All tests successful. Files=2, Tests=2, 9 wallclock secs ( 0.19 usr 0.04 sys + 0.03 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.27 CPU) Result: PASS
UPDATE: As threatened, its on github.
grink on 2009-06-07T02:20:55
Have not dug into the nitty gritty of your post yet, but wow, looks awesomefeels good man.
drowsy on 2009-06-07T13:51:12
it looks very helpful, thank you xwrn!Thanks
markjugg on 2009-06-08T01:59:14
Looks like a useful breakthrough. Bookmarked.