I'm trying to determine if localtime() should always follow the Gregorian calendar or not. The C99 spec is not clear on this (it's clear that gmtime() is always Gregorian) and POSIX doesn't seem to bring it up.
I could just change the time zone on my own machine, but I don't trust that will really give an accurate representation. What I want is someone to run localtime() on a Unix distribution specifically designed for and by Russians, Eastern Europeans or Chinese. These all changed from Julian to Gregorian in the last 100 years, inside the range of 32 bit localtime().
So if someone with a machine like that could run:
perl -wle 'print scalar localtime(-2**30-2**29-2**28)'
perl -wle 'print scalar localtime(-2**30)'
The ad at the top of this page is for Russian "dating." WTF. Someone complain to the site operator.
Re:Chinese Standard Time
schwern on 2008-09-21T08:01:30
Thanks, but I don't trust Fedora to get it right. Maybe Red Flag Linux?
Re:From Russia
kappa on 2008-09-28T23:30:05
Sorry about forgetting to format.